Get in the PURPLE Zone

Get in the PURPLE Zone

In this blog, I’m going to share how I make time for CREATIVITY and why it’s vital to your business that you do too.

There is no such thing as balance when you’re an entrepreneur. It’s our job to continually create new solutions and improve old creations. Throw the idea of finding a repeatable system for creating or improving ANYTHING out the window. It’s normal to feel like you’re chasing a moving target, and it can actually be quite fun.

I’ve learned to embrace the roller coaster that is creating new lead magnets, onboarding new clients and serving existing clients. It has helped that I actually love throwing things at the wall until something sticks. In this blog I’ll share a few things that have stuck for me and most Fempreneurs I’ve coached… MOST OF THE TIME.

Like everything we set out to do in life, we must start with a clearly defined goal. Here it is:

To get better and better at changing more lives in less time.

This is 100% possible and it’s the reason I continue to write a new book every 2 years: I keep discovering new gold nuggets for marketing, writing, shooting videos, packaging and pricing offers, etc.

Creating anything requires 2 ingredients:

  1. Time. I prefer my creative timeblocks to be at least 2 hours.

  2. A clear picture of who you’re creating for and how your creation will help them.

First, let’s talk about time. I use the Google Calendar app for everything that involves telling my time where to go. My creative timeblocks are PURPLE and my coaching timeblocks are GREEN. My goal is to not see PURPLE and GREEN timeblocks in the same day. For example, I do not want to go from a website design meeting with a client to creating marketing material or a new blog for my business. My brain HATES it when I try to do that and it punishes me with a bad mood almost every time. I still do it sometimes though.

This is also called batching. Think of it like this: would you want to be canning salmon in your kitchen, then pause that (with fish guck everywhere) to bake a yummy chocolate cake, then switch back to canning more salmon?

I choose to batch my PURPLE timezones on Mondays and Fridays. I also often sneak in some creative time on Wednesday mornings and evenings because I only have 1 or 2 meetings on Wednesday afternoons.

Unfortunately adding PURPLE timeblocks to your calendar doesn’t guarantee you’ll be blessed with infinite creative energy and wisdom. We can’t control when we get into THE ZONE, or when. Trust me, I’ve tried. We can, however, find places and times of the day when we tend to be more creative.

Creativity comes to those who put out the welcome mat, open the door and make an effort to be present.

Once you have dedicated a weekly 2 hour timeblock to writing a new blog and repurposing it into images for Instagram and videos for YouTube, you need ingredient #2:

A clear picture of who you’re creating for and how your creation will help them.

Coming Soon

My next blog will be about Natural Next Steps: an excerpt from my new book that helps you design a highly effective lead magnet and your three flagship offers. Once you know what these are and exactly who they are for, I promise the creativity juices will flow like never before!

Here’s a sneak peek into the next blog (and my new book) about Natural Next Steps:

What would I find on your website under the Services or Events tab? And would I find a free gift/lead magnet so I can get a little taste of how you improve lives?

It’s our job as entrepreneurs to provide three “Natural Next Steps” for our ideal clients.

For most entrepreneurs, myself included, we have to throw lots of spaghetti at the wall before it sticks. My three natural next steps for Fempreneurs became clear after giving lots of time and knowledge away for free and getting feedback.

***Getting feedback is the most important part, otherwise there is no way to learn what our niche people want from us!

Giving time and knowledge away for free is something I do less and less every year, but I’ll never stop completely because:



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