Why I Love My Podcast (Join Me Aug 28th!!)

Why I Love My Podcast (Join Me Aug 28th!!)

Shortly after launching Fempreneur Marketing School in 2019, I realized podcasting was a natural next step for me. It was a lot like writing a book: I felt I had a moral obligation to share my conversations with Fempreneurs.

As I got to know more fempreneurs, I knew their stories and AHA! moments had to be shared with other women. A podcast was the simplest way to get these gems out into the world.

Like most techy things I’ve learned since 2019, Google pointed me in the right direction for starting a podcast. I was surprised how simple almost everything was. The most difficult task was getting my show approved on Apple Podcasts. This can still be tricky today, so don’t give up if you are stuck at this step. Keep searching in Google “Apple Podcast RSS” and other things like that. You’ll get it to work eventually - I promise!!

Once you have chosen your podcast topic or niche audience, the next thing you need is a title. I originally went with “The Fempreneur Marketing Podcast” and in 2023 I dropped the word “Marketing” from the title, although this keyword is used in almost every episode description because my target audience is women entrepreneurs who are seeking marketing ideas.

Choose your podcast style: mini workshops/lessons, or interviews, or a mix of both. Because my podcast is 90% interviews, I suggest you choose your first 5 guests by reaching out to people who have interesting stories that your niche will find valuable.

Have 3-5 episodes ready to publish on your launch day, or publish one episode/day for 3-5 days in a row.

“What is the best way to record podcast episodes?

“What tech/apps should I use for editing and publishing?”

“How much money should I invest in a microphone?”

These are all fantastic questions and will be answered in my live Podcasting Workshop on August 28th: click here to sign up.

If you can’t attend live and you would like the recording, sign up for FemSquad, my online community for femprenuers. Inside you’ll get 2 workshop recordings PLUS the podcasting workshop will be added on August 29th! Learn more by clicking here.

WHY I LOVE MY PODCAST: Podcasting Perks

Hosting a podcast has been a fun and natural way to level-up my income and impact. I’m excited to share in this blog a few of the ways I use my podcast to build and deepen relationships with my target audience. These are 3 of my 6 key strategies:

  1. Authentic flattery will get you everywhere. What entrepreneur doesn’t love to hear…

    “You have such an inspiring business growth story! Will you please be a guest on my podcast?”

  2. Follow up is everything. These days, most of my podcast guests come from podcast booking agencies hired by women I’ve never met. How it works is the agency gets paid for every successful podcast booking. I receive 3-5 podcast requests each month. One of my best clients came to me this way because here’s what I did, and always do, when a podcast booker reaches out:

  • I find the fempreneur on LinkedIn and connect with her there. I add a personal message to the connection request to thank her for reaching out to be on my podcast. I also subscribe to her YouTube channel and follow her on Instagram.

  • Once I see the confirmation email from Calendly saying the interview has been booked, I hop on Canva and create an interview image and schedule the interview in my livestream app with an image like this:

***The livestream app shares the above image to YouTube and LinkedIn with the date and time of the scheduled interview. I make sure she is tagged on both platforms.

  • The day before our interview, I do some research into her backstory. I jot down a few questions for the interview and email or DM the following image to her with a note that says how excited I am to interview her about a specific story or topic I heard/read about:

3. Post-Interview Invite: if I loved the conversation and feel my guest could benefit from my business/marketing coaching, I jot down one or two areas of her marketing/online presence I want to help her with. I send an email or DM my Calendly link to book a free online coffee chat so I can, “Get to know you better and share a few marketing ideas I have for you.”

***Note: this is not a sales pitch and does not feel like I am selling her coaching. This feels like a continuation of the fun and valuable conversation we had, with a clear focus on HER BUSINESS and her goals. I do this even if my 1:1 coaching is full because I love to share my ideas and help fempreneurs level up. If I have space in my calendar for another 1:1 coaching client, I will send her a proposal if she is curious about hiring me or send her the link to join my online community.

If you found these podcasting tips helpful, or you want my podcasting tech system and templates, join me August 28th online - click here to sign up! (It’s free!!)

Or you can watch this and other workshop recordings by becoming a FemSquad member:

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Only Myself To Blame

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