#40 Powerful CTAs Part Two with Lyndsie Barrie

#40 Powerful CTAs Part Two with Lyndsie Barrie

Ready to show up on social media with purpose? Learn how to provide clear calls to action in this episode with Lyndsie Barrie!

The number one area where Fempreneurs lack is owning their value. This is done by clearly stating how they plan to help their niche market achieve a specific outcome. This is really step 3 of 6 in Fempreneur Marketing School, so if you are a new business owner you first need: 1) a team, 2) a niche and then you will be ready to develop your POWERFUL CALL TO ACTION!

If you're ready to build a team of like-minded ladies around you to clarify your purpose and the specific people you were born to serve, join us in our online community, FempreneurLand  register today for the 6 week Fempreneur Marketing School.

Other ways we offer to help you connect with more like-minded ladies:

Every Tuesday a new episode of the Fempreneur Marketing Podcast drops! Subscribe:




…and many other podcast players!

Until next time, 

Lyndsie Barrie

Author and Founder, FempreneurLand.com

#41 How joining the Fempreneur Community changed my life with Johnena and Krisztina

#41 How joining the Fempreneur Community changed my life with Johnena and Krisztina

#39 3:30am Storytime with Lyndsie Barrie: Her Vision for FempreneurLand

#39 3:30am Storytime with Lyndsie Barrie: Her Vision for FempreneurLand