Cynthia Hamilton Urquhart, "Beautifully Broken" Retired RCMP Member & Writer

Cynthia Hamilton Urquhart, "Beautifully Broken" Retired RCMP Member & Writer

If you want to find your voice as a mental health advocate on social media, you’ll need the right team - a team who will lovingly push you out of your comfort zone! Be sure to connect with two of Cynthia’s key teammates:

Laura Lovett, Author of ‘Finding Cadence” and “Losing Sophie” -

Laura Munson, NY Times Best Selling Author & Creator of Haven Writing Programs -

Get connected with a community of women who get you because they are you, Fempreneur, at!

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Until next time, 

Lyndsie Barrie

How Hanna Bracken embraced the internet and shifted from over-thinking to TAKING ACTION

How Hanna Bracken embraced the internet and shifted from over-thinking to TAKING ACTION

Building a great BOOK starts with building a great TEAM!

Building a great BOOK starts with building a great TEAM!