One of my scariest dreams was to support a growing community of female entrepreneurs. It was super scary because of bad experiences I'd had with groups of women in the past.

After having lots of help with rewiring my brain, I was able to stand firm in my mission:

To help women like you feel safe and at home so you can take risks and get out of your comfort zone.

My story sounds a lot like yours I'm sure. I always wanted to work on my own terms - doing things I love with people who have similar dreams and are doing the work to make them come true.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was not having a narrow enough niche. I was trying to help too many different types of people. With the help of a business coach, I wrote a book for women who were struggling with the same thing: "Money & The 39 Forever Mom" - top right in the photo below:

Following my business coach's instructions, which included writing my first book, led me to discovering my true calling and an even narrower niche. A few years later, YYC Fempreneurs was born.


If you want a QUICK WIN that will give you clarity and boost your marketing power, do this:


Redefine your niche. Make it narrower.


For example, I went from helping "39 Forever Moms" be better at managing their finances to working exclusively with women who own businesses to help them increase their income. The result is the same with both: helping women feel more financially secure. When my message became more niche it had more power to attract more "ideal clients".



To narrow your niche, write 2 or 3 of the most common questions you're asked about your line of work. And write what it would look like if you narrowed the focus of your area of your expertise for 30-60 days. Would it help you clarify your marketing message? Create a niche workshop or course? Deliver more value on Instagram to grow your email list?


If the above writing exercise is not resulting in a QUICK WIN, let me help you the way my business coach helped me:


Both FEMTEAM Marketing School and my 1:1 Coaching Program are available to you. However, there is only one spot available for 1:1 coaching.

If you’re interested in grabbing my last 1:1 coaching spot, let’s get to know each other first. Click here to book a FREE 30 minute chat.